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August 31, 2013

Healthy Eating Ideas: Taking Advantage of Seasonal Produce

Hello Ladies! I'm so excited to be starting this series of posts on diet and food choices. I've always had a real interest in nutrition - but I don't always follow through. So feel free to ask me, "Christa, did you eat your veggies today?" :)

This time of year is such an easy time of year to eat healthy because we have plentiful access to fresh garden produce! Even if you don't have a garden, your local farmer's markets and grocery stores are piled high with the season's best fruits and vegetables. If you're like me, you can't wait to get your hands on some great garden produce. Then when you get it all home you wonder, "What am I going to do with 12 cucumbers and 52 tomatoes???"

So to get us started, I'm going to share links to a breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe that will help you put all those yummy veggies and fruits to good use.

Let's share successes - and fails.
If you have a great recipe you use that includes fresh produce, please share with us! We'd love to hear what you've tried, what you liked, what worked, and what didn't. Sometimes the "fail" stories are just as valuable as the success stories. For instance, here's a "fail" from me that you can learn from:

I always plant a few rows of green beans in the garden, and they always produce like crazy! Gallons upon gallons of green beans come out of that garden until we don't know what to do with them anymore. I decided that I would freeze them, but didn't want to take the time to prep them like the instructions I found said I should. Bad idea. I ended up with bags of mushy, shriveled green beans that no one would eat. Lesson: Blanche those beans, then flash cool them in an ice water bath!

Your Recipes for the Week

Cereal Sundae

Grilled Zucchini Rolls:

Healthier Pasta Primavera: