- get up early every day this week to read Jesus Calling and work out.
- Say "NO" to dessert this week.
- Give up 1 soda a day this week.
- Try a new fitness routine!
- etc...
We are also trying to establish an "end of summer" goal. This is a longer term goal which allows you more time to work at it, with a bigger end result! End of summer goals could include:
- run a 5k with a friend.
- drop X # of lbs.
- Bike X # of miles at one time. (RAGBRAI is coming soon!)
- Conquer an exercise you thought you couldn't do, like a pull-up! Or so many sit-ups in a row, etc.
These goals will help keep you moving and motivated in a healthy way, and remember - we are all here to pray for you and help motivate you! Last week, I failed miserably at my attempt to work out everyday even while company was at our house. And I failed even worse at getting up early everyday for my Jesus Calling time in the peace and quiet. When I shared my struggles, I had a friend step up to help me as an accountability partner - and the whole group shared in my struggle with prayer and encouragement.
Share your goals - share your struggles! Talk to God about them, and He will use our MAC Fit group to help you channel His power into your daily fitness and health endeavors!